Friday, May 4, 2007

Opening Night

Well, it's opening night here in Lancasaster!! Unfortunately I was not able to update the site over spring training. I did'nt have a computer and to add to the problem when I borrowed one we only had wireless internet which was spotty at best.

We had a good spring training in Lakeland. Anyone reading stuff about the games who are worryied about our hitting or pitching; realize that it is spring training and all it is for is to get ready. Wins and losses, batting averages, and ERA's dont mean anything. We will have a great season this year with the players we have. It was interesting how everything worked out though. Gustavo Martinez never made it here, he had VISA problems, Clayton Andrews had personal problems and won't be be till the 24th, although he was there for a day, and Rene Aqueron was traded before making an appearance with us. I was also surprised that we kept 25 players after being told we would only carry 23 as well.

I hope everyone is excited about opening night, we have our ring ceremony tonight as well before the game. Hopefully we can have as good of a season as last year...I will be trying to update this as much as I can throughout the season, but may have times I can't get to it as quickly as I would like to, so please bear with me.


Anonymous said...

Good job on the first home run of the season! Shame they walked you after that. I don't think I ever saw an intentional walk there before. Anyway, here's to a good start to another great season!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jeremy!!!! How did it feel to be intentionally walked?